Expired Peru & the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

Peru adventure

  |   November 3rd - 13th, 2019

Go to Bio Bio to Register Now

IVS has teamed up with Bio Bio Expeditions to offer you a trip of a lifetime. Since 1993, Bio Bio has been a leader in delivering top quality travel experiences to guests from age 8 to 80 who share their love of the outdoors. Because of their extensive experience Bio Bio is responsible for the planning and implementation of the complete trip. To register for the seminar and for all questions relating to the trip, please call Bio Bio Expeditions at 1-800-246-7238 or visit www.bbxrafting.com.


Peru and the Inca trail to Machu Picchu.  

For 2019 we are offering a choice for part of the adventure:  hike the Inca trail for 4 days or enjoy several days of exploration and then travel by train to Machu Picchu where you will meet up with the hikers for the rest of the trip. Please note that the CE will be presented when everyone is together.

Hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is a true classic that should be on every adventurer’s “to-do” list. Exploring ancient paths and ruins in this spectacular setting will send shivers down your spine. This haunting fortress city nestled below stunning peaks is the greatest mystery of the Inca Empire. Beautiful Andean scenery, as well as cultural history, unfold as we hike up and down steep stone staircases past ancient Inca outposts. Your Peruvian porters will carry all of your gear and even set up your tent for you so you can enjoy this stunning trek. Your guide will explain the fascinating natural history along the trail, and the expert cooking staff will prepare and serve delicious meals.

The Amazon Jungle is a wildlife treasure, and is not to be missed by nature lovers. You’ll fly from Cuzco to Puerto Maldonado, where a dugout motor canoe will transport you downriver to the fantastic, Reserva Amazonica Lodge, where you’ll stay 2 nights. Naturalists will take you on walks and boat trips to explore some of the natural wonders of the area, including the Madre de Dios River, Monkey Island, and Lake Sandoval.

Along the way, Dr Tamara Grubb will provide 18 CE hours on “anesthesia & pain management in practice today”.

 Seminar registration fee for 18 CE hrs: $795.00 

All are welcome including spouses and friends- only the veterinarian attending needs to register for the CE. 

Seminar Topics:

Along the way, Dr Tamara Grubb will provide 18 CE hours on “anesthesia & pain management in practice today”.

Topics will include: 

Anesthesia and postoperative management of brachycephalic breeds

Anesthetic protocols for GDV

Regional analgesia techniques

Anesthesia of the unstable patient

Postoperative visceral pain management

Constant rate infusion techniques made easy

Epidural techniques

Management of intraoperative hypotension

Anesthesia for cesarean section

Anesthesia for chronic pain management



Go to Bio Bio to Register Now

Seminar Speakers

  • Tamara Grubb D.V.M., Ph.D. Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Anesthesia & Analgesia Associate Professor of Anesthesia & Pain Management Washington State University

CE Hours

 Seminar registration fee for 18 CE hrs: $795.00 

Accommodation Registration

Reserving Rooms

We reserve rooms starting the day prior to the seminar and ending on the last seminar day.  However, if you need additional days, we will work with the hotel to accommodate your request based on availability.

Getting Confirmation

After you submit this hotel request form, you will receive an e-mail confirmation of your request for the hotel accommodations.  Please note that this does not confirm your hotel accommodations.

After processing the request, our office will e-mail you an actual hotel confirmation letter which will confirm your stay with the hotel.   You are not confirmed until you receive this hotel confirmation. Please check the details when you receive this confirmation.

Please note: At this time, we are not able to accept credit card details online. As all hotels require a valid credit card to guarantee your room, after submitting the hotel request form, please call our office at 1 (800) 487-5650 Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm (pacific) to provide the card number.  Your Hotel Confirmation will be emailed to you after your room is guaranteed.


Hotel Request Form:* Required Fields

Please note: At this time, we are not able to accept credit card details online. As all hotels require a valid credit card to guarantee your room, after submitting the hotel request form, please call our office at 1 (800) 487-5650 to provide the card number.


Please call the IVS travel group at 1 (800) 487-5650 for assistance.

Passport Information

For International Travel

Passport requirements for international travel

Please note that all passengers traveling by air to or from the United States will be required to hold a valid passport. This requirement applies to all passengers, including U.S. citizens, traveling to and from Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, and the Caribbean.

When planning international travel, please be sure that you are in possession of all required documents for both outbound and return flights. Remember to allow ample time for acquiring official travel documents.

For complete information on the U.S. Department of State’s New Travel Initiative Requirements, please visit travel.state.gov.