Expired Emergency medicine in practice today – course 2- prerecorded

Online course #15- prerecorded

  |   June 10th, 2020

Overview  |  Register
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Tim Hackett D.V.M.

Diplomate, American College of Veterinary
Emergency & Critical Care
Professor of Emergency & Critical Care
Colorado State University

Amy Butler D.V.M.,MS.

Diplomate American College of Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care
President, Critical Consults

Successful Emergency and Critical Care in Your Practice

Dr. Hackett is a Professor in the Emergency medicine section and has a particular interest in shock, trauma, respiratory and transfusion medicine. Dr. Hackett came to Colorado State University as an assistant professor after directing the emergency medicine program at the West Los Angeles Animal Hospital. Dr. Hackett has lectured on emergency medicine to veterinarians around the world including Australia and Japan, and is fortunate to work in a Teaching Hospital that includes a large general practice and so approach clinical problems very practically.  Dr. Amy Butler is a board-certified emergency critical care veterinary specialist.  Currently Amy is President of Critical Consults in Pennsylvania.

Seminar Topics:

Lecture 1.   Systematic Approach to  Trauma and Traumatic Coagulopathy.

This lecture takes practitioners through a logical workup for small animal trauma patients. I stress evaluation of the Airway, Breathing, Cardiovascular system, and neurologic trauma. I give case examples for upper airway trauma, penetrating chest wounds, pulmonary contusions, broken backs, intrathoracic and abdominal trauma. Acidosis, hypothermia, dilution and other mechanisms contribute to bleeding following trauma. Using video case examples, emergency ultrasound findings and patient side bloodwork we will review the causes, implications and treatment of traumatic hemorrhage.

Lecture 2.   Approach to the Bleeding Patient:

This lecture will provide an overview of functional hemostasis and review the coagulopathies commonly encountered in veterinary practice. We will then review the coagulation tests most commonly used in veterinary medicine while providing a framework for in-house testing of the coagulopathic patient. Finally, we will review the newest treatments available for coagulopathies (it’s more than just plasma!). 

Lecture 3.   Transfusion Medicine.

Canine and feline transfusion medicine is reviewed using case examples. I will be discussing the importance of donor screening, in-house blood typing, cross matching, blood product collection, storage, and administration. We will review Using case examples we will review the indications and risk of blood component therapies. In addition to managing blood products, we will review autotransfusion techniques and xenotransfuion.

Lecture 4.   Feline Urethral Obstruction:

The blocked cat is one of the most common emergency presentations, yet every practitioner seems to have their own approach to treatment. But what does the literature say? This lecture will review the most common causes of obstruction, then take a deep dive into current and ongoing research to help reduce the recurrence of obstruction.

Lecture 5.   Managing Envenomations and Antivenon Update.

This talk will focus on the diagnosis and management of common snake envenomations. The discussion includes regional differences, common snake species and clinical differences in management. There are  new antivenom products competing for use in the treatment of crotaline (viper) snake envenomation and new forumlations in development. We will focus on the antivenoms available for use against pit vipers in North America





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Seminar Speakers

  • Tim Hackett D.V.M. Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Professor of Emergency & Critical Care Medicine Chair, Dept. of Clinical Sciences Cornell University
  • Amy Butler D.V.M., MS. Diplomate American College of Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care President, Critical Consults

Registration Fees:

There are no RACE approved CE hours for this course.


Veterinary nurses/technicians: $75.00– please note that this is the discounted fee.  The tech coupon does not apply to this seminar.

Veterinarians: IVS attendees who currently have an FTC (Future transfer Credit) from a previously cancelled seminar:  $175.00

  • Please do not use the online registration as you will be charged again. You cannot use the credit thru this online registration. 
  • Please e-mail with your request (include name of registrant and which seminar you were originally scheduled to attend) for registration –  We will register you and deduct this amount from your credit.


E-mail your request to:     ivsceonline@gmail.com


Veterinarians: Any previous IVS attendee: $175.00- please use the online registration 

Veterinarians: Regular registration: $195.00- please use the online registration

Already registered for 3 previous live IVS online courses: $125.00- please use the online registration



Registration Includes:

  • access to online course notes
  • access to the prerecorded course online
  • no CE credits available currently


Your SEMINAR REGISTRATION NOTIFICATION e-mail will contain links to the Presentation Videos and the online notes. 

Seminar Registration:

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Add to Calendar

  • Online course #15- prerecorded
     June 10, 2020 - June 30, 2021
     10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Register online

Online registration is easy and fast.  

But please confirm your hotel reservations prior to completing your registration or booking flights. Many Hotels are selling out many months ahead of our seminars. If you need to book a hotel room, click the link to the online hotel registration page.  If none is available for your selected seminar, please fill out our hotel request form or contact our office at 800-487-5650.  Please note that hotel rooms are not confirmed until you receive confirmation from the hotel (if you booked online thru our group link) or from our office for hotels that do not offer the online link.

IVS is now required by AAVSB RACE to upload your completed attendance into their “RACEtrack” system. Your state of license and your license number are required for all seminars starting in January 2022. More information is available at https://www.aavsb.org/ce-services/racetrack


For regular seminars: ivseminars@yahoo.com

Accommodation Registration

Reserving Rooms

We reserve rooms starting the day prior to the seminar and ending on the last seminar day.  However, if you need additional days, we will work with the hotel to accommodate your request based on availability.

Getting Confirmation

After you submit this hotel request form, you will receive an e-mail confirmation of your request for the hotel accommodations.  Please note that this does not confirm your hotel accommodations.

After processing the request, our office will e-mail you an actual hotel confirmation letter which will confirm your stay with the hotel.   You are not confirmed until you receive this hotel confirmation. Please check the details when you receive this confirmation.

Please note: At this time, we are not able to accept credit card details online. As all hotels require a valid credit card to guarantee your room, after submitting the hotel request form, please call our office at 1 (800) 487-5650 Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm (pacific) to provide the card number.  Your Hotel Confirmation will be emailed to you after your room is guaranteed.


Hotel Request Form:* Required Fields

Please note: At this time, we are not able to accept credit card details online. As all hotels require a valid credit card to guarantee your room, after submitting the hotel request form, please call our office at 1 (800) 487-5650 to provide the card number.


Please call the IVS travel group at 1 (800) 487-5650 for assistance.