
Orthopedic & Wound First Aid I



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You’re on the front lines of veterinary medicine; what you do in the first few hours following traumatic injury often determines your patient’s treatment outcome! This DVD-CD combination utilizes video and high-detail photography to demonstrate application of some of the most commonly used First Aid Techniques in veterinary practice. You and your technical staff will learn how to provide First Aid wound care, how to use a Robert Jones Bandage or Splint for temporary limb immobilization. Learn about the versatile and economical Tie-Over bandage that can be used to protect wounds in those “difficult to bandage” locations. Learn a few tricks to detect and treat traumatic hip luxations. Learn a simple modification to the Ehmer Sling that will improve its ability to maintain hip reduction. Nearly 40 minutes of video footage and matching illustrated notes.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 3 × 2 in
Media Format

DVD (No Longer Available), USB Flashdrive

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