
Select the item(s) below that you would like to order. Your transaction will be confirmed by email.

VideoVet now offers two options for purchasing videos.  DVD’s have been discontinued.

  1. Online viewing: Purchase an on demand individual technique video or video collection (select collections currently available). This option gives you unlimited access to view video contents anytime in the future (videos are not downloadable). Log in to your account thru and click on “My Videos”.
  2. Purchase a USB flash drive (available for select videos): The flash drive will be mailed to you within 5 business days.  Delivery time depends on your location.
  3. DVD’s are no longer available. 


Questions: Please e-mail VideoVet at

Your credit card statement will list International Veterinary seminars as the merchant.


Please note that CE credit is available only on the following Video’s on demand and USB Flashdrives:

  • GI Surgery I
  • Urinary Surg I
  • Repro Surg I
  • Resp Surg I
  • Sutures I
  • Feline Surg I – GI
  • Emerg Surg I
  • Emerg Surg II
  • Soft Tiss Surg I

You must complete the test sent with the USb Flashdrive or online videos and return it to VideoVet.  A certificate will be sent to you with a passing grade of 70%.

Individual techniques videos- on demand viewing only. No USB Flashdrive or CE credits

Online Videos- on demand viewing only. NO USB Flashdrive.

Online Endoscopy/Laparoscopy videos- on demand viewing only. NO USB Flashdrive

Endoscopy/Laparoscopy USB flashdrive