Expired Select dental topics for the entire team: Veterinary Nurses/Technicians & Veterinarians

Online Course 3 - T

  |   July 25th, 2020

Overview  |  Register
Register Now

Heidi Lobprise D.V.M.

Diplomate, American Veterinary Dental College
Chief Dental Officer
Main St. Veterinary Dental Clinic
Flower Mound, TX

Seminar Schedule:


Lecture 1: 

10:00am  Pacific
1:00pm  Eastern

Lecture 2:

11:00am  Pacific
2:00pm  Eastern

Lecture 3:

noon  Pacific
3:00pm  Eastern

There will be short breaks at the end of each lecture.

Seminar Topics:


Lecture 1:   Well, THAT’S not normal! Oral and Dental Problems to identify

Regular oral examinations, both in the exam room and during the dental procedure, can reveal a number of abnormalities in many dogs and cats. The use of dental probes, intraoral radiography and accurate charting will allow you to recognize these changes in order to form a treatment plan to resolve the disease involved.


Lecture 2:   You’ve got to see it to believe – or diagnose – it! – Tips for easier dental radiology

Intraoral radiology is an essential part of dental practice, needed in every aspect of dentistry, from proper evaluation of periodontal disease to pre- and post-extraction films. The techniques of placing the film and aiming the radiographic beam can be challenging, but these skills are easily learned.


Lecture 3:   Start ‘em out young! – Oral and Dental Care for Puppies and Kittens

From puppies and kittens, to young adult dogs and cats, proper dental assessment and care is an important part of their overall health management. Early intervention with malocclusions, retained deciduous teeth and other issues can start these patients off in the right direction

Register Now

Seminar Speakers

  • Heidi Lobprise D.V.M. Diplomate, American Veterinary Dental College Chief Dental Officer Main St. Veterinary Dental Clinic Flower Mound, TX

CE Hours

This program has been submitted for 3 hours of continuing education credit in jurisdictions, which recognize AAVSB’s RACE approval; however, participants should be aware that some boards have limitations on the number of hours accepted in certain categories and /or restrictions on certain methods of delivery of continuing education. Call IVS at 800-487-5650 for further information.

Registration Fees:

After registering: your SEMINAR REGISTRATION NOTIFICATION E-MAIL will contain a link for you to pre-register for the webinar.  You need to do this prior to the webinar, so that you get a personalized link to the actual webinar.


Veterinary nurses/technicians: $75.00– please note that this is the discounted fee.  The tech coupon does not apply to this seminar.

Veterinarians: IVS attendees who currently have an FTC (Future transfer Credit) from a previously cancelled seminar:  $145.00

  • Please do not use the online registration as you will be charged again. You cannot use the credit thru this online registration. 
  • Please e-mail with your request (include name of registrant and which seminar you were originally scheduled to attend) for registration –  We will register you and deduct this amount from your credit.


E-mail your request to:     ivsceonline@gmail.com


Veterinarians: Any previous IVS attendee: $155.00- please use the online registration 

Veterinarians: Regular registration: $175.00- please use the online registration

Veterinarians: after registering for 3 previous live online IVS courses: $125.00- please use the online registration


Registration Includes:

  • 3 CE hours
  • access to online course notes
  • certificate of attendance available online


After registering: your SEMINAR REGISTRATION NOTIFICATION E-MAIL will contain a link for you to pre-register for the webinar.  You need to do this prior to the webinar, so that you get a personalized link to the actual webinar.


Seminar Registration:

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Add to Calendar

  • Online course 3 - T
     July 25, 2020
     10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Register online

Online registration is easy and fast.  

But please confirm your hotel reservations prior to completing your registration or booking flights. Many Hotels are selling out many months ahead of our seminars. If you need to book a hotel room, click the link to the online hotel registration page.  If none is available for your selected seminar, please fill out our hotel request form or contact our office at 800-487-5650.  Please note that hotel rooms are not confirmed until you receive confirmation from the hotel (if you booked online thru our group link) or from our office for hotels that do not offer the online link.

IVS is now required by AAVSB RACE to upload your completed attendance into their “RACEtrack” system. Your state of license and your license number are required for all seminars starting in January 2022. More information is available at https://www.aavsb.org/ce-services/racetrack


For regular seminars: ivseminars@yahoo.com

Accommodation Registration

Reserving Rooms

We reserve rooms starting the day prior to the seminar and ending on the last seminar day.  However, if you need additional days, we will work with the hotel to accommodate your request based on availability.

Getting Confirmation

After you submit this hotel request form, you will receive an e-mail confirmation of your request for the hotel accommodations.  Please note that this does not confirm your hotel accommodations.

After processing the request, our office will e-mail you an actual hotel confirmation letter which will confirm your stay with the hotel.   You are not confirmed until you receive this hotel confirmation. Please check the details when you receive this confirmation.

Please note: At this time, we are not able to accept credit card details online. As all hotels require a valid credit card to guarantee your room, after submitting the hotel request form, please call our office at 1 (800) 487-5650 Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm (pacific) to provide the card number.  Your Hotel Confirmation will be emailed to you after your room is guaranteed.


Hotel Request Form:* Required Fields

Please note: At this time, we are not able to accept credit card details online. As all hotels require a valid credit card to guarantee your room, after submitting the hotel request form, please call our office at 1 (800) 487-5650 to provide the card number.


Please call the IVS travel group at 1 (800) 487-5650 for assistance.